Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I attended a "lecture" on Sensory Integration tonight. And wow. I feel like I'm not a crazy. I also feel validated now when I DO act crazy. So, I'm not sure if it was a success or not :)
I heard a great explanation of the biological/neurological reasons that Milo is Milo.
I also learned that I'm not doing a great job. Well, she didn't say that. But I can tell you that what I've been doing is NOT what I should have been doing. Which should have been obvious to me when he punches himself in the face or throws himself into the walls/furniture/whatever.
BUT, I've always been a slow learner.
So now that I have all this useful information, I need to process. Try to figure out how to make his life better...more fulfilling...less obnoxious...more stimulating...less stimulating...more effective...more controlled...less controlled... STOP.
It's just
I am too much.
He is too much.
Together that equals WAY too much.
But do I feel better. Yep.
You can't tell now, I'm sure.
But I think I do.