Wednesday, August 14, 2013


2nd grade is upon us. And is it ever!
I can sense that Isaac's changing...that I'm changing.
I would normally have a new outfit all laid out...backpack ready.
Camera ready to go...excitement filling my mind as I anticipate walking him into school
But this school year...this school year is different.
I have no idea what Isaac will wear - and I don't care, as long he picks out, puts it on and doesn't zone out in front of the tv in the middle of all of it.
I THINK his backpack is hanging in his classroom from supply drop-off day. And if it's not, he's grounded.
I have allotted an extra 10 minutes in drive time tomorrow morning, so I can drop him off at the front doors and get to work on time.
I am hoping and praying that I remember what it was like for me when I first took him to Kindergarten. I need to remember that I had no idea where to park, what the courtesy was for the mommy line...and every other annoyance I will find myself facing tomorrow morning.
I need to remember that I was one of them.
I need to remember barely being able to speak as I ran out of the primary school...then pulling over in a parking lot 2 blocks from my work - and sobbing.
I need to remember needing to watch him physically enter the school building when he decided he didn't need me to walk him in anymore.
I need to remember when I had to roll my window down, so he could kiss me goodbye.
I need to remember when he'd turn around and wave goodbye, because he decided kissing me was just not cool.
And I need to remember, that just because he's in 2nd grade...and he thinks he's old enough and wise enough - that's he's not. He's 7. And I can walk him into school. And I can make him kiss me. And I can need him to be my first-born baby no matter how old he is.
So tomorrow, I'm going to walk him to his class. And I'm going to hug him and kiss him and make him miss me when I leave.
Because I need HIM to remember all of this.